Philosophy Guidelines
1. Our passion is for customized solutions with the highest technical and technological standards.
2. As an equipment manufacturer with a history rich in tradition, we are a leading global producer of machine tools for the automotive, air and space, railway, tool, die and mold-making industries and for machine building (general engineering) in general, as well as a specialist in turn-key systems.
3. We design/ develop/ engineer and manufacture customized machine tools for our customers under fair conditions and at fair prices.
4. Our products and services offer maximum innovation, quality and reliability.
5. Our work is efficient and goal-oriented. Reliability and timeliness are understood.
6. We work in international teams with highly motivated and highly skilled employees. Diversity is our strength.
7. Our communication is open and mutually respectful.
8. We consider environmental concerns in our commitment to sustainability.
9. We follow our guidelines by doing the right thing at the right time.
10. We are improving NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT every day – for both our customers and ourselves.
Our vested interest as a globally operating company is to work and live in sustainable systems and to shape them through our participation. We share this aspiration with our customers and our business partners. Therefore, we also expect our suppliers and service providers to consistently implement
- fair business practices, based on effective compliance management
- Measures to protect the environment and use resources responsibly, and
- Social guidelines that ensure respect for human rights and humane working conditions in particular.