Donations for the Congo - Hujambo Habari

Today we would like to use our website to report on a project close to the heart of our employee Jörg Lehmann (Head of Assembly).
Most recently, in March 2024, Jörg was repeatedly on the road in the Democratic Republic of Congo on behalf of the non-profit associations PEPA e.V. and Hujambo Habari - Schulprojekt Ostafrika e.V., more precisely in the provinces of North Kivu and South Kivu, to distribute new donations in the war-torn regions.
PEPA and Hujambo Habari are smaller charitable associations that provide support with independent but also joint projects in the DR Congo. The primary objectives of the partnership include direct support for local social and educational work in conjunction with the development of community networks and structures. All projects depend on the voluntary and private initiative of supporters and contributors.

In addition to the many volunteers, thanks also go to Tim Henslee (Engineering Manager) from Hendrickson USA.
The US-based company has already purchased over 20 larger machines from NILES-SIMMONS on which axles are produced. After successful acceptance of the machines, the axles produced on them (approx. 50 units) are scrapped. The resulting funds are donated to the Hujambo Habari aid project. In the meantime, over 5,000 euros have been raised. This has already been used to finance the transportation of 200 sewing machines, tools and medicines. The money has also been used to transport the LO Truck to Africa.
Further insights can also be found on Jörg's YouTube channel @jorglehmann301.
The associations and local people are very happy to receive donations in kind and money. We are happy to forward further information and the details of the donation account.